Market 5 Shipping Container Park

Market 5 is the first step in the county’s goal to form the Charles City Courthouse Village. Consisting of six 40’ retail units, one 20’ kitchen, one 20’ concession stand/bar, and one 20’ stage/storage unit, Market 5 will be a welcoming, family-friendly tourist attraction in the bustling town right outside of Richmond, Virginia. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project.


ROXBOX is collaborating with the client to execute design + inspections/approvals + build + delivery of turn-key units.

ROXBOX coordinated with the client to execute design + inspections/approvals + build + delivery of a turn-key BeerCan Heavy model with add-ons.


    • Six 40’ retail units
    • One 20’ kitchen
    • One 20’ concession stand/bar
    • One 20’ stage/storage unit

For more information, visit our Commercial page.

PHASE 1 (Design & Planning) + Phase 2 (Construction Documents)